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Colleen Kattau Make the Land Whole Again

Where Are We?

Map grid with location pointer

'If you lot don't know where yous are, y'all don't know who you are'

– Wendell Drupe

Many of us hither at the college are new residents or brusk-term visitors in Cortland. What connects us to this place, and why should we care?

For the 2015-2016 academic year, the Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee plans a yr-long give-and-take about the "local" and its significance for thinking about economic health, ecology resilience, and overcoming inequalities of all types. We also hope the series will encourage service in Cortland and surrounding areas.

In detail, we want to engage the campus in a disquisitional discussion of localism and privilege. Strong arguments have been made about the value of shopping locally and eating locally grown nutrient, but has the promotion of local economies done enough to appoint with problems of poverty and racial inequality? Can the poor afford to exist locavores, who purchase local products produced in a sustainable manner? Does the thought of the "local" invite everyone into our "home" or wall some of us out?

For our four common readings, the committee selected a variety of texts that could speak to departments and programs across the campus. We encourage kinesthesia and staff to infuse the theme into their courses, either through selections from the common readings or other texts related to the theme. The 4 selections are:

Will Allen, The Good Food Revolution

Afterwards years in professional basketball and as an executive for Kentucky Fried Chicken and Procter & Take chances, Will Allen congenital the country's preeminent urban subcontract-a food and educational center that now produces enough produce and fish yr-round to feed thousands. Employing young people from the neighboring housing projection and community, Growing Power shows how local nutrient systems can help troubled youths, dismantle racism, create jobs, bring urban and rural communities closer together, and improve public health.

Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything

In this volume, Naomi Klein argues that climate change is an alarm that calls us to fix an economical system that is already failing us in many ways. Klein builds the case for how massively reducing our greenhouse emissions is our all-time chance to simultaneously reduce gaping inequalities, re-imagine our broken democracies, and rebuild our gutted local economies.

Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

This book's essays by a conservationist and wildlife biologist focus on a small farm Leopold lovingly tended equally he sought to restore a damaged natural ecosystem. He imagined a local customs that included both humans and the natural world and called for a new "land ethic" that elevated love of place and the rights of the state, animals and plants to a higher place what is economically expedient.

Gerald Grant, Promise and Despair in the American City

InHope and Despair, Gerald Grant compares two cities - his hometown of Syracuse, New York, and Raleigh, North Carolina - in order to examine the consequences of the nation'south ongoing educational inequities. The event is an ambitious portrait of ii cities that exemplify our nation'southward greatest educational challenges. The book can lend itself to discussions of inequities and school reforms here in central New York.

 Delight visit CICC's 2015/16 Common Read webpage for further clarification of the book'due south private chapters.

For reading guides and other data, please see our Mutual Read website. Also, visit us on Facebook!

Calendar of Events

Spring 2016

February 18,4:30 p.m., Old Main Colloquium

Place every bit Voice ,

David Franke

Later moving to the Tully Valley due north of Cortland, Davide Franke discovered that this ancient locale is inscribed with many competing stories of what place and nature might mean.  Making sense of these stories requires a language that can adapt everything from geology to politics to dreams.  In this newspaper, he tries to reveal a place that speaks in a multiple, incommensurate voices.

February 25, 7 p.1000., Sperry 104

This Changes Everything

Film Screening

Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis

March 22, 7 p.m., Memorial Library second Flooring

A Farm Girl - Billie: The Gillette Murder Case 110 Years Afterward

Joseph Brownell

March 24, 7 p.chiliad., Jacobus Lounge

The Local Opt-Out Movement: Parents' Responses to Standardized

Testing Requirements

Moderated past Anne Burns Thomas

March 29, 7 p.m., Sperry Room 106

Our Boondocks: Cortland And then & Now

A Multi-Media Presentation

April 7, vii p.1000., Jacobus Lounge

What Porter Ranch Tin can Teach Us About Seneca Lake

Joe Heath and Colleen Kattau

April eleven, 4:30 p.k., Sperry 104

Planning Communities as if People Eat

Samina Raja, University of Buffalo

April 18, four:30 - 6:30 p.m., Jacobus Lounge

Through My Eyes, Café Night

Smith School talk Smith School Talk audience

Students from H. W. Smith Uncomplicated School

April 25, 4:30 p.m., Sperry 104

I Learn America

Picture show Screening

April 26, 7 p.m.. Jacobus Lounge

Welcoming the Stranger

Dylan Fresco

Autumn 2015

September 23, 2015, 4:30 p.m., Jacobus Lounge

Robert Spitzer, "Did Bob Get His Gun (Permit)? What Local Gun Laws Tell Us Nigh the National Gun Contend"

America's love-detest human relationship with guns has been framed in modern times every bit a zero sum struggle between gun laws and gun rights—that a proceeds for one side is a loss for the other, and that the two are incompatible. But is that true? My research on the history of gun laws concludes the reverse--that in virtually of our history, the ii went manus in hand.

I propose addressing the relationship between gun laws and rights by looking at the local. Most gun laws are country and local laws, not national laws. Since 2012, we take seen gun regulations strengthened in about a dozen states, only weakened in twice that number. We in New York live in a country that has strict gun laws, and these laws became even stricter in 2013 when the state legislature passed the controversial NY Safe Act. I decided to encounter for myself whether my gun rights were infringed past our state'southward tough laws by applying for a curtained carry pistol let, and participating in the construction of a legal assault weapon, the intimidating looking AR 15. In my talk, I will written report on my experiences, and frame them in the context of the national gun debate.

Robert J. Spitzer is Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of the Political Science Section, and the author of five books on gun policy, including most recently, "Guns across America: Reconciling Gun Rules and Rights" (Oxford Academy Press, 2015).

Oct one, 2015, seven p.m., Brown Auditorium, Old Principal

Cortland Old Timers Band Concert

Local customs bands take a long history in the Untied States. The Cortland Old Timers Band can trace its origins to 1911.  This concert, under the direction of conductor Edward O'Rourke, will feature classic and contemporary band music related to the band'south long tradition. The event volition exist introduced by retired band conductor and SUNY Cortland Music Professor Emeritus, Dr. Samuel Forcucci.

October 8, 2015, 4:30 p.1000., Jacobus Lounge

Martin Ogle, "Land Ethic and Gaia Paradigm; The co-evolution of two great ideas"

The great Wisconsin naturalist and ecologist, Aldo Leopold, taught us to think of the land as a customs of which we are part of.  Leopold's famous Land Ethic became an of import focus for the American conservation movement in the mid-1900s and remains so today.  The Land Ethic can inspire landowners and the local community to brand personal and group decisions that reflect the understanding of they are a function of the land community.   Only Leopold's Land Ethic is founded on an older idea that has been effectually for every bit long as homo culture – that of Earth as a living being.  Leopold, himself, was sympathetic to this thought, and it has occurred to all people who recognize the beauty and complexity of World systems.  In modern times, this thought has received a proper noun—Gaia Theory: the scientific view of Earth as a single physiological system.

Martin Ogle, a long-time champion of Gaia Theory, has been expanding the concept as the "Gaia Paradigm" – the confluence of our best scientific understandings of Earth as a living system with cultural understandings of homo guild as a seamless continuum of that life.  The Gaia Paradigm is gaining traction and is a most apt partner to Leopold'southward Land Ethic.

Bring together Mr. Ogle for a fascinating exploration of the synergy between the Country Ethic and the Gaia Image and how they may both be necessary for us to successfully address the ecology and social challenges of our day.

Martin Ogle holds degrees in Wild fauna Biological science from Colorado State and Virginia Tech. He was Chief Naturalist for the No. Virginia Regional Park Authority 1985 – 2012.  He received the  2010 Krupsaw Award for Non-Traditional Teaching – The annual award of the Washington University of Sciences for outstanding didactics in breezy and non-bookish settings.  Mr. Ogle promotes a widespread agreement of the Gaia Paradigm through his workshops, programs and writings.  He and his family moved to Louisville, CO in 2012 where he started Entrepreneurial World, LLC.   Mr. Ogle was born and raised much of his younger life in South korea.

October 12 – Dec xviii, 2015, Robert Sherrill, "Landmarks," Dowd "Hallway" Gallery

October xiii, 2015, 5 p.chiliad., Dowd Gallery

Robert Sherrill, "Artist's Talk"

Robert Sherrill pairs photographs with drawings in his ongoingLandmarks project. After photographing a local landscape, he uses charcoal, chalk and graphite to transfer the image into a drawing. His interest lies in exploring the nature of spatial experience and the rhythms inherent in both the landscape and the procedure of making marks. These drawings are not a documentation of any specific place but rather are based on the dynamic of space and how it is experienced. Presented in this exhibition are viii studies for larger works.

Robert Sherrill lives in Cortland, NY, and has been working actively as a visual creative person for over thirty years.

October fifteen, 2015, 4:30 p.m., Jacobus Lounge

Gerald Grant, "Promise and Despair in the American City"

Gerald Grant, The Hannah Hammond Professor of Education and Sociology Emeritus

Gerald Grant's talk, "Hope and despair in the American Urban center," compares two cities - his hometown of Syracuse, New York, and Raleigh, N Carolina - in guild to examine the causes and consequences of the nation's ongoing educational inequities. He explores the cardinal question of why education reform keeps failing, tracing the respond back to public policy decisions such as redlining and blockbusting in the wake of World War II and the 1972 Supreme Courtroom determination in Milliken v. Bradley which hardened the lines of schoolhouse segregation by preventing the state of Michigan from merging Detroit'due south public schools with those in surrounding suburbs. In shining a light on some of the nation's deepest educational challenges the discussion also points toward the potential for school reform that remains today.

"In this perceptive and of import book, Gerald Grant tells the modern tale of two cities. … The choice between Syracuse and Raleigh, he concludes, is the choice between promise and despair, the choice between one America and two Americas.  In most cities, he writes, there is an 'invisible wall' that keeps inner city children separate from more affluent suburban kids.  If Barack Obama genuinely wants to provide equal educational opportunity for children, however, he needs to take steps to tear down that wall." Richard Kahlenberg,The Washington Monthly

Gerald Grant was born in Syracuse, New York, and graduated from Syracuse Fundamental High School. He joined The Washington Postal service in 1961 and was promoted to its national staff in 1964. He was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University in 1967 and earned his doctorate there in the folklore of education in 1972. In his postgraduate yr, he was appointed a Research Fellow in the Section of Sociology at Harvard so accepted a kinesthesia position at Syracuse University with appointments in the departments of Cultural Foundations of Education and Sociology. He was named the Hannah Hammond Professor in 1993 and Distinguished Academy Professor in 1998. He has published articles in Commonweal, Daedalus, The New Republic, Minerva, the Harvard Educational Review, The Progressive, The Public Interest, The Washington Post, and other journals. His major books are Gerald Grant and David Riesman,The Perpetual Dream: Reform and Experiment in the American Higher (Academy of Chicago Printing, 1978), which won the Borden Honour of the American Council on Education; Gerald Grant and Assembly,On Competence (Jossey-Bass, 1979);The World We Created at Hamilton High (Harvard University Printing, 1988), named ane of the eight best books of the twelvemonth by the American School Board Journal, and Gerald Grant and Christine Murray,Teaching in America: The Dull Revolution (Harvard, 1999), winner of the Virginia and Warren Stone Prize awarded annually by Harvard University Printing for an outstanding volume on education and social club, and of the 2000 American Educational Studies Clan Critics' Choice Award. In contempo years, his piece of work has turned to broader questions of urban social policy. His essay "Fluctuations of Social Majuscule in an Urban Neighborhood," appears in Diane Ravitch and Joseph Viteritti, eds.,Making Good Citizens: Pedagogy and Civil Society, Yale Academy Press, 2001. Grant'south latest book,Hope and Despair in the American City, was published by Harvard University Press in 2009.

October xx, 2015, vii-9:30 p.yard., 1890 House "Local Tales of Terror"

Co-Sponsored by: The 1890 House and Hollenbeck Cider Mill

1265 NY-392, Cortland, NY 13045

Phone: 607-835-6455 Opening day is 9/26/2015

Please bring together united states of america ane and all at Cortland'due south fabulous 1890 House for an evening of "Local Tales of Terror", ghost stories and dramatic readings in the "Spirit" of the flavour.  Explore the grandeur of Cortland's Castle, its many rooms, the history of the Wickwire family, the grounds and its wagon house.  Settle into a comfy nook or secure a spot past the burn and listen to our readers explain some of the local hauntings, share chilling tales or recite the classic prose of Edgar Allen Poe. Warm upwardly with a cider doughnut and launder it downwardly with seasonal cider. A suggested donation of $three for students and $v for adult guests will assist support the continuing restoration work of one of Cortland'south architectural gems. For more data on the 1890 Business firm, its events and its history please visit the website.

This issue is hosted with the back up of the Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee of SUNY Cortland and the cooperation of the staff and Board of trustees of the 1890 House Museum.

The 1890 Business firm Museum aims to promote and interpret the historical and cultural significance of this property to the public. The 1890 Firm seeks to collect, preserve, research, brandish, and interpret objects that promote local and national history of America'south cultural heritage during the late 19th and early 20th centuries

The impressive limestone mansion, now called the 1890 House Museum, was once the dwelling house of 19th century Industrialist Chester F. Wickwire. Born in 1843, Chester grew upward on the family farm in McGraw, east of Cortland. Equally a swain, he moved to Cortland and opened a grocery store on Main Street. Gradually, the grocery store became a hardware business organization. Chester's brother, Theodore, joined him in the business concern. In 1873, the brothers received a rug loom as payment for a debt. Adapting the loom to weave wire, Chester transformed the hardware store into a major manufacturing firm that would impact the nation.

November 4, 2015, 7 p.thou., Jacobus Lounge

Go to Know Your Local Dirt:

A Customs Roundtable on Local Agriculture and Nature Preserves

Main Street Farms

New York Agricultural Country Trust

Lime Hollow Nature Eye

Whole Middle Café (The Local Food Marketplace)

Moderators: Christa Chatfield and Scott Moranda

Description: Effectually the country, the local food movement is booming. In addition to concerns about manufactory farming's environmental and food safety record, consumers desire to support local farmers. By connecting with the local landscape, residents build relationships with each other and with nature. While many support this move, some wonder how well information technology reaches out to lower-income families. Participants in this roundtable will share their experiences developing a culture that connects residents to locally grown food and nearby natural treasures. Nosotros will discuss the benefits of local agronomics as well as landscape and farmland preservation. At the same fourth dimension, the discussion will highlight the possible challenges faced past this move.

Monday, Nov 16, 2015 at 7 p.m., Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union

Poetry of Place

Using Cortland as its locus, this program of readings will explore how some poets reveal who they are past looking at where they are, and in and then doing, illustrate how of import a sense of place is to larger human endeavors. As poet Maxine Kumin has written, "In a poem 1 can use the sense of identify as an anchor for larger concerns, as a link betwixt narrow details and global realities. Location is where we showtime from."

Thursday, Nov xix, 7 p.m., Corey Spousal relationship Fireplace Lounge

Khuram Hussain, "From Charity to Solidarity:Rethinking Student Service in Urban Communities"

From tutoring kids to stocking nutrient pantries "service to the community" is now a cornerstone of the college experience. All the same information technology is criticized for being little more community charity. Moreover, in an era of economic dispossession, mass schoolhouse closings and rising urban protest, college campuses and their surrounding communities need more from each other than charity. This talk explores the radical possibilities of service learning equally: place-based, democratic and mutually empowering for students and customs members. Specifically a yearlong urban education project titledTools for Social Alter is examined as a model of service that focuses on intergroup dialogue, collaborative learning, and community organizing to build transformative student-community alliances. Ultimately the talk outlines practical and ethical considerations for pre-professional person students to utilise urban institutions to piece of work in solidarity with urban communities.

Khuram Hussain, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Pedagogy at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. He teaches a variety of courses on the history of education with a particular focus on ceremonious rights education and equity and access. His scholarly interests include the history of the Blackness printing, religion and education, and culturally relevant educational activity.
